Captive Audience is another crime documentary series that heavily dissects the consequences of intense and strong media coverage of a young boy’s abduction. The series follows the media coverage of Steven Stayner’s abduction and revolves around his life and family and the 50-year-long journey to uncover the story of two brothers of the family out of whom one is considered a villain while the other is deemed a hero.
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Captive Audience Season 2 Release Date
Captive Audience is a true crime documentary series that revolves around a real-life crime case. It has been divided into three different parts that narrate the entire story. Since it is a true crime docuseries, it is bound to get over when the real-life case gets closed or the story is all said and done. The same applies to Captive Audience.
The three-part crime documentary managed to showcase the impact of heavy media coverage of Steven Stayner’s abduction and has successfully made it to the end of the case story. There was no official announcement that there will be no Captive Audience Season 2. But it is also very obvious that there is no point in continuing the show after the case that it has been based upon has already ended.
Captive Audience narrated the story of Jack and his team trying to unravel the secrets of a mysterious cult. The team’s investigation helps Jack reach an old hospital. Here it is revealed that the same mysterious cult, as mentioned before, is using several mind-controlling techniques in order to manipulate and wrongly convince people to join their ’cause’.
Jack and his team have an aim to achieve. They must put an end to this cult before they take down all of the people with them. On their journey to put an end to this mysterious cult, Jack is met with new friends, allies, and enemies. He already has an impending sense of danger lurking on his back constantly. Jack needs to make quick use of his guts and instincts to make a proper decision that does not prove to be costly in the upcoming future.
Where to watch Captive Audience Season 2?
All parts of this true crime docu-series are available on Disney+.